Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Clarification on 006.

The original thesis to that mess of a ramble was that there is an excess supply of performers and a shortage supply of other workers today. We hear "follow your dreams" and often times, dreams are linked to the entertainment business, are more connected to the aesthetics of life than the actual running of social and technical infrastructure.

I am a proponent of arts education, and I don't mean to say that the arts have no place in this world. Of course it does, but so does math, english, computer science, economics, finance, scientific research, even politics and government.

We become so enamored in all things arts (and the celebrity that sometimes comes with it) that we lose track of some of the more necessary jobs in the world. With the croppings of non-competitive reality shows and tabloid culture, I feel like entertainment for some is less about escapism and more about aspirations.

More likely, I'm just a cynical jealous person in front of a computer.

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